Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Taking off my tin-foil hat

In craziness the other day, I lamented my lack of plot. I couldn't for the life of my remember what the story was actually about. Maybe my brain was temporarily sucked out -- but now I remember.

Panic sometimes does that to me. I'm almost at where I want to be and maybe I'm afraid to start, so I give myself an excuse not to -- but it was so weird. It didn't matter how hard I tried, my mind couldn't put dramatic action to the ideas I'd been having.

Well, it's back. This time I'm going to write it down so I won't have an excuse not to write.

I've added another link to the side: Carolyn Jewel. Her site is full of writerly insights.

I'm almost thinking of putting some of my writing up here, because no one reads me anyway. I've been to other blogs and haven't noticed much actual writing, mostly talking about writing (or not writing) like I do.

Today I'll set out the plot. I feel much better now.

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